Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sholes, Soule, and Glidden were frankly delighted. They determined to let their friends see at once what they had achieved, so they wrote hundreds of letters on their typewriter to correspondents far and near. Just one of these letters hit the bull's eye. It went to James Densmore, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, who took fire at this demonstration that a writing machine was about to supplant the pen. ... Densmore bluntly declared that it was good for nothing except to show that its underlying principles were sound. He urged the trio to proceed with further improvements, and promptly, for which he would advance all needed funds. At this stage of affairs, Soule and Glidden retired from the scene, leaving Sholes and Densmore in sole possession of the patent, and whatever harvest it might yield in time coming. -- George Iles: Leading American Inventors, Henry Holt, New York (November 1912).

Although Mr. Samuel Willard Soulé left Milwaukee to New York before 1870, Mr. Carlos Glidden stayed in Milwaukee as I mentioned before. Mr. Glidden continued improving "Type Writer" and often claimed his contribution to it (cf. Carlos Glidden: "The New Type Writer", Scientific American, Vol.27, No.9 (August 31, 1872), p.132, l.2). He deceased on March 11, 1877, and his latest contribution was patented as U. S. Patent No.470874 after his death.


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